I had a conversation with a dear friend recently who was preparing for a very serious, major surgery.

I told her that I couldn’t even imagine what she was going through and that she was in my prayers as she prepared.

She responded, “It’s really been such a beautiful ride. All of it. I think it comes down to, do you trust Him? And I trust Him so I’ve just felt peace.

And then she asked me how I was doing with my son and getting his vision impairment diagnosis (this was a few months ago when it all went down).

My response:

“Whenever people have offered condolences or anything, I love sharing the peace that I’ve felt through it all! I’m not worried about the future cuz the Savior brings me that peace, and he has through the whole process.

These times should be dark.

Maybe you are going through a time that, on paper, sounds pretty dark right now.

Like a major surgery. Or a child getting a diagnosis. Or whatever version of “hard” you’ve been dealt right now.

But the sign of Christ’s birth in the Americas wasn’t just for the Nephites and Lamanites.

This is what Christ has always done, and continues to do.

When the sun goes down, when things are SUPPOSED to be dark,

He brings us that light.

The whole night long.

He doesn’t erase the night. He doesn’t usually get rid of the tough situation.

But He gives us that sustaining light.

The power to see true perspective, to see His plan, to feel His love.

“Oh Savior, stay this night with me.”

What a beautiful gift that He gives us, that I can never even begin to repay.

He makes things light, especially when it should be dark.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I just love following along with your beautiful thoughts that coincide with come follow me. Thank you so much for continuing to share! ❤️❤️

  2. Cali, about your sons eyes please check out the FB group Detox Smart with Advanced TRS. There are quite a few examples of it helping with eye issues. I love reading your insightful messages. I’m inspired how you keep coming up with these wonderful messages. Very awesome!

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