Can’t you just point the fingers everywhere with me?

That person who gave a great lesson about loving others but then said something rude.

That guy who talked about the importance of serving others but can’t show up to help at the ward service project.

That family member who tells you not to judge, and then says judgmental comments all the time.

“Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me”. (Isaiah 29:13)

We could all sit around and point fingers endlessly.

But what about if we turned that finger around and looked at ourselves for a bit?

Could you give a great spiritual thought about the importance of keeping the Sabbath holy by doing good things that bring you closer to Christ?

How does that compare with your actual Sabbath observance?

Could you talk about the importance of temples?

How does that compare with your feelings about your personal worship in the temple and your attendance habits?

Could you give lots of reasons for why it’s so easy and important to share the gospel with other people?

How does that compare with your willingness to bring up gospel topics with people who aren’t members of this church?

At the end of the day, we ALL are able to teach about certain gospel principles much better than we are able to live them.

But here’s what I’ve learned about what actually matters most:

Where is your heart?

Our lips and our actions aren’t always going to align.

But our heart can be aligned with our lips and our actions.

Our actions will fall short, even though we have good intentions.

We wanted to serve but got too tired, we tried to make the Sabbath a delight but the kids are crazy, we want to love the temple more but we haven’t gone in a long time.

“Jesus Christ blesses those who want to improve and who try to keep the commandments. We always get credit for trying.” -Elder Holland

We always get credit for trying.

…But we have to really try.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Thank you for posting. When my feelings are hurt, I remind myself that I may have hurt someone’s feelings inadvertantly. There will be hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and disagreements. People are flawed, but the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I am thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and that he knows my hearts–and the hearts of all.

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