Priesthood power is one of my new favorite topics to talk about.

Did you know that if you’ve made a covenant with God under priesthood authority, then you have constant access to priesthood power in your own life as you keep up your end of the covenant?

From baptism to temple covenants, there are so many of us who have access to personal priesthood power in our life.

Here’s what I’ve learned.

When I access my own personal priesthood power:

I can get personal guidance.

I can receive specific inspiration for how to serve other people around me.

I can have the strength to overcome and endure.

My abilities can be magnified by gifts of the Spirit.

I can receive revelation to know how to fulfill the work I have been given to do.

I can have help and strength to become more like our Savior.

Those are just a few ways that personal priesthood power can create real blessings.

Aren’t those beautiful?

And in order to get all of these blessings, each of us needs to do a little better at keeping our end of the covenants we make.

Whether we hear them repeated at the sacrament table, or whether we are reminded of them in the temple, we need to know what our covenants are so that we can live up to them.

To me, this is what I think of when I hear the Lord teach:

“They are walking in darkness at noon-day.” D&C 95:6

Yes, people who commit intentional sin are blocking themselves out from all of the light available.

But… I bet a lot of us are still walking around in 5pm light.

We see the light. We can move around just fine.

But we aren’t receiving the fullness of what’s available to us.

We are living below our priesthood privilege.

We have access to so much more Godly power than we could even imagine.

There is guidance, peace, strength, inspiration, revelation, and gifts that I believe Heavenly Father is just waiting to pour down on us.

But we have to ask. We have to keep our small end of the bargain with endless retries through repentance.

When we make and keep covenants, we are endowed with priesthood power, and THAT is when I believe we are walking around in the brightest light of noonday.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. We are so fortunate to have this help if we are keeping on the covenant path. I have felt the help from heaven when I comment on Facebook. We have daily those wonderful words on Facebook from our Apostles and our dear Prophet. I am in their groups to comment and I pray for help and feel blessed with knowing what is proper and most helpful. I love when I know that Heaven inspires me and love the way the wonderful Spirit helps us. Sometimes I feel like dear Elder Holland speaks straight to our hearts. We are truly blessed in our lives.

  2. I have been feeling these same things and have felt the truth of the power of the priesthood in my life- especially since studying these sections of the D &C. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words.

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