We may feel lonely, but we are never alone.

Because there was someone who experienced almost everything in His mortal ministry alone.

It’s so easy to picture Jesus as a man who always had a smile on His face, surrounded by people.

But He was so misunderstood, even in His lifetime, right?!

Even His closest friends and dearest apostles didn’t fully understand what He was doing or what He could do.

When I feel all alone, this is my comfort to turn to:

“I have trodden the wine-press alone, and have brought judgment upon all people; and none were with me;” D&C 133:50

He knows true loneliness.

And He endured it so that He could comfort us.

Life can be very lonely sometimes.

When there’s no one to relate to, or a friend who forgets something important, or kids who make you miss that social event again…

It’s okay to feel lonely.

But we don’t ever have to actually be alone, because Christ knows exactly what this feels like.

He is always near me, though I do not see Him there.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



6 Responses

    1. I’m so sorry you’ve felt lonely, but I hope you can find comfort knowing that Christ is always with us. <3

  1. I have often felt alone; as I was the 1st in my family to join the Church, I am married and he has never wanted to learn anything about the Church. But I know I am not really alone; the Savior is with me.

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