I did not want to buy the house.

I mean, it checked most of the boxes, which is pretty good for buying a new house.

But I didn’t like the location.

And “location” is supposed to be the thing you never compromise on, right?

But… the spiritual prompting was too strong to deny.

I had reluctant faith. We bought the house and moved.

But deep down, I didn’t really know if God could give me something better than what I had before.

Lot’s wife is a fascinating person because we don’t learn much about her story other than her final moments and judgment.

Most people know Lot’s wife associated with:

“But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.” (Genesis 19:36)

We know from modern revelation and teachings that she looked back on Sodom longingly.

I don’t love casting judgment on other people, especially when I don’t know their whole story at all.

But with scripture characters, I always like to ask “Lord, is it I?”

“Where am I in this story? Where can I root out weakness?”

Elder Holland has also taught about Lot’s wife:

“She doubted the Lord’s ability to give her something better than she already had.”

Now THAT is something I can relate to.

Time and time again, the Lord has shown me that when I am prompted and then choose to let go of something I really like, whether it’s a neighborhood, a job, a friend, a hobby, a responsibility…

He will never let me down. He will always lead me to something better.

Do I have the faith to let go and look forward?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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