If there’s anything I’ve learned while studying the Old Testament this year, it’s that God is a God who forgives, keeps His promises, and loves deeply.

So it didn’t surprise me in the least to read Hosea preach that the Lord would say:

“I will love them freely”! (Hosea 14:4)

Love them freely.

I know that “freely” in this case probably refers to loving without holding anything back.

Which is totally perfect for our Savior.

But… I also couldn’t help but think of another definition of that word.


He loves us freely.

He loves us for free!

We don’t have to do anything to earn it.

We don’t have to cash in on any big promise.

We don’t have to make a grand gesture to prove we are worthy of it.

He just loves us, completely for free.

So, can we learn from His example as we live here on earth right now?

Can we practice that free kind of love?

Loving without limits, without qualifications, without resumes and checklists?

Or do we make people “earn” our love, filled with contingencies?

I want to be a little bit more like Jesus and learn how to love for no cost at all.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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