I’ll admit that I don’t read through the articles in the Liahona magazine as I would like to.

Because every single time I do sit down to glance through it or I make time to read an article, I am always blown away by the content.

So when October’s magazine came in the mail, I found some time to flip through and I told myself I could pick one article to read.

Lo and behold, the first main article was one written by our beloved prophet, so of course I chose to read that one.

Now, throughout the Old Testament, but most especially in Isaiah, we see the strangely long word: LOVINGKINDNESS.

And this word is what President Nelson talked about for part of his powerful, super detail-oriented Liahona article.

Here are just a few snippets of what he said:

“All those who have made a covenant with God have access to a special kind of love and mercy.

“In the Hebrew language, that covenantal love is called hesed.

“Hesed has no adequate English equivalent.

“Translators of the King James Version of the Bible must have struggled with how to render hesed in English.

“They often chose ‘lovingkindness.’

“Hesed is a unique term describing a covenant relationship in which both parties are bound to be loyal and faithful to each other.

“Hesed is a special kind of love and mercy that God feels for and extends to those who have made a covenant with Him.

“And we reciprocate with hesed for Him.”

In Isaiah 63:7, we read: “I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses.”

LOVINGKINDNESS is much more than kindness and love.

God wants to share this special kind of love and devotion with us, much like the unique love that we share with a spouse.

And to access that lovingkindness, we enter into special covenents with God.

So what are the covenants you have made with God?

And what’s something you can do today to live up to what you’ve promised just a little bit better today?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. I love this word “lovingkindness”!!! I keep a list of words and phrases that mean something to me.as I read and study the scriptures and BYU talks and especially general conference talks. . . And then I research them to get a clearer, better understanding and knowledge of its definition and meaning related to the gospel. I’m getting ready to make a List from the Oct 2022 Gen Conf in my conference journal. Loving kindness for the adulteress woman —a great example of Christ love for sinners. His love is eternal, He has heavenly love for everyone!!! Each of us can deepen our understanding and compassion for others who have sinned or caused pain to us and be one step closer to to a better relationship with Jesus Christ. What he taught and what He did and why He did it, is another example of obedience to the Father, to teach repentance to everyone. To forgive everyone who is willing to repent. Lovingkindness is an action word.

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