Martin’s wife, Lucy, thought he was crazy. ⁣

Martin had felt a pull to this young Joseph, and wanted to help him financially. ⁣

He went on a journey of “proof” to find professors in New York who could verify the ancient letters. ⁣

He felt like he needed to volunteer to scribe for Joseph. ⁣

And his wife thought this was all one big deception. ⁣

And the two of them temporarily moving into the Smith home for the translation just made things worse. ⁣

Lucy was skeptical, sneaky, and just a not-so-great guest. ⁣

And so Martin had an idea after his wife returned back home:⁣

If he could just show her some of these beautiful messages that he had been writing down, he could change her mind toward this whole operation, and ultimately, restore his image in her eyes. ⁣

But the Lord said no. ⁣

But… did the Lord really understand how embarrassing this might be for Martin to continue helping Joseph while his wife spiraled?

Did the Lord get that people were making fun of Martin for giving Joseph money?⁣

Did the Lord know that Martin’s life would be a whole lot harder if there wasn’t any proof?⁣

Of course the Lord did. ⁣

Because the Lord asks us to do really hard things. ⁣

He asks us to put Him above all. ⁣

Above being popular. Above being stylish. Above being funny. Above being well-respected. Above being rich. Above having power. ⁣

Above being liked. ⁣

Above everything we often crave. ⁣

And it’s easier said than done. ⁣

But it’s the most important choice we learn to make –

Out of the Lord or our peers, who do we want to “save face” with more? ⁣

Whose opinion matters more right now?

“While it certainly takes courage to face perils, the true badge of courage is overcoming the fear of men.” – Lynn G. Robbins

“You should not have feared man more than God.” (D&C 3:7)

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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