Mormon had just finished telling his son Moroni about the terrible things that were going on with the Lamanites and Nephites.

He talked about the wars and destruction.

He told his son about the tragic futures were to come. ⁣

Sounds like a super fun conversation, right?

But then Mormon reminded his son:⁣

“My son, be faithful in Christ;

“and may not the things which I have written grieve thee, to weigh thee down unto death;

“but may Christ lift thee up.” (Moroni 9:25)

What a beautiful and practical lesson from a father.

There’s a lot of dark, dismal stuff out there.


Don’t let the evils of others bring your own faith down.

Don’t let the wickedness of the world dim your light.

Don’t let other people’s poor decisions affect your own.

Instead, let Christ lift you up!

Think about His atoning sacrifice.

Ponder on His mercy.

Appreciate His goodness.

Let THAT be what lingers in your mind.

Jesus has already won the victory.

And our faith in Him can help lift us up, even when we are surrounded by heavy times.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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