After I got baptized, I remember the first time that I sinned.

My sister was playing with a toy that I wanted, and I took it out of her hands.

Immediately, I knew I had done something wrong, and I felt so badly!

I had already messed up!

I had made a promise at baptism to always remember Jesus, and now I had forgotten.

Aaaaand I’m pretty sure this was the evening after I got baptized, so I hadn’t lasted very long at all.

The Israelites made such an eager promise when Moses read what the Lord had taught him:

“All that the Lord hath said will we do, and be obedient.” (Exodus 24:7)

Spoiler alert: the Israelites did NOT keep this promise.

They broke it many times, just as each of us break the promises and covenants that we have made.

But the good news?

Repentance and the sacrament make it possible to re-commit to those promises!

So have you re-committed recently?

Have you thought about what covenants you’ve made, and decided to keep them again?

Do you trust in the Savior’s ability to really cleanse?

And can you draw on the Savior’s strength to re-commit over and over?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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