I had a very minor medical procedure a few years ago. ⁣

I thought about telling some people beforehand…

But I didn’t want to seem like I was just looking for attention.

I mean, the procedure really wasn’t a big deal.

I could totally handle it all on my own.

And I did.

It all went well.

When I got home from the hospital, my ministering sister texted me and asked if she could stop by and chat with me for a bit.

I told her I wasn’t in a state for a visitor since I had just gotten home from the hospital and needed time to recover.

She responded:

“What? You are supposed to tell your friends when this happens so we can help you and bring you ice cream!”

I realized that I had denied her a chance to serve and love me.

It’s hard to ask for what we need sometimes.

My pride kept me from asking for support, prayers, and ice cream because I didn’t want to seem like I needed attention.

But as I reflected, I realized that I have absolutely never thought that someone going to the hospital was just asking for attention!

⁣People can’t help if they don’t know that you need help.

And as I’ve worked to be okay with asking for assistance when I need it, I’ve noticed that Heavenly Father has told us time and time again in the scriptures that He wants us to ask.

“. . .asking for whatsoever things ye stand in need, both spiritual and temporal; always returning thanks unto God for whatsoever things ye do receive.” (Alma 7:23)  

Even though sometimes our mortal sources of assistance fail us despite us asking for help…

Our loving Father will always give us exactly what we need.

He just requests we do our part to lay aside our pride and ask.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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