Not gonna lie, when I listen to people talking about the “doctrine of Christ”, I usually picture it as a straight line. ⁣

Initial faith in Christ? Check ☑️⁣
Repentance? Check ☑️⁣
Baptism? Check ☑️⁣
Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? Check ☑️⁣
Endure to the end? IN PROGRESS

️⁣But what if these five iconic steps outlined in 2 Nephi 31 are actually one giant circle? ⁣

I’m exercising faith in Christ every single day. Real faith moves me to act, and since my actions are not perfect, my true faith is not perfect yet. Faith? IN PROGRESS

️⁣And since that faith is not perfect yet, I’ve got a lot of repenting to do. I’m getting better at enjoying this process, and seeing it as moving me forward. Repentance? ️IN PROGRESS

️⁣Baptism? This is where that “linear” mindset comes from, because my baptism happened 20 years ago. But what’s our response for when people talk about that desire to be “baptized again” so they can be wiped clean again? THE SACRAMENT. I get to be “baptized” each week! I am making promises AGAIN to Heavenly Father, and He is telling me what blessings are available to me again. Weekly baptism? ️IN PROGRESS

️⁣Gift of the Holy Ghost? Well sure, I received this gift initially 20 years ago, too. But am I always living in a manner that invites the Spirit to be with me constantly? Nope. So I get better and better at keeping the Spirit with me and recognizing his promptings. Constant companionship of Holy Ghost? IN PROGRESS

️⁣This seems kind of obvious to me now. All of these elements of the Doctrine of Christ are what move me through “enduring to the end”. ⁣

But hopefully, I’m getting better each time I cycle through. ⁣

My faith is a little easier to find. I’m quicker to repent. I renew my covenants with greater intent. I’m even closer to the Spirit. ⁣

And I keep that giant circle rolling up higher and higher up the hill of endurance. ⁣

After all, this is truly our purpose here. To use the Doctrine of Christ to become progressively more and more Christlike.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



One Response

  1. That is so well said. We are a work in progress. I am sure we will continue to progress even after this life. So many chances to become perfected in Christ as we progress here on earth.

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