This is it.

The end of the Book of Mormon.

“The most correct of any book on earth.”

Another testament of Jesus Christ.

I needed this book this year.

I feel like the world went on a journey that needed the Book of Mormon, too.

From these pages, I was reminded that very real and very imperfect people made miracles happen.

I was reminded that the “blessings” for believing in Christ aren’t always temporal blessings.

Life can be hard at the same time that it is beautiful and peaceful.

Pride is the biggest trap, and it disguises itself by seeming justified pretty often.

God answers prayers.

God knows the bigger picture.

I have to change my heart, but also allow my heart to change my actions.

Sharing the gospel with other people brings great joy.

Everything points us to my Savior.

The Savior cares about literally everyone.

This book is life-changing. In the early latter-days of the church (which we will start studying in just a few days), it was the Book of Mormon that drew people to join a religion that seemed totally strange.

The Book of Mormon is a solid rock in the foundation of my testimony.

Whenever I feel any winds of confusion or doubt blowing, I come back to the Book of Mormon.

It is so true.

And it’s also so useful and practical. And inspirational. And heartbreaking. And powerful.

I love the Book of Mormon.

I have had the Spirit whisper time and time again to me that there is truth in every page.

I’ve heard God speak to me through its pages.

In fact, the first time that I heard God’s voice was in these pages.

And when I pray about this holy book, a sweet Spirit of peace fills my heart.

Every time.

Just peace.

Peace in my heart.

Peace is the real blessing.

I know the Book of Mormon is true, and studying it every single day in 2020 has changed my life. God is good, and Jesus loves me.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



18 Responses

  1. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and insights. It was so helpful and appreciated by me. I loved the different experiences you shared, or the points you brought out that I might not have thought about. Also, the length was perfect to be complimentary and get me thinking – not too long or in depth. Looking forward to another year of Come Follow Me with you!

  2. Thank you so much! I love your spiritual insight you have shared with us. Your time and insight are so appriciated!

  3. Thank you for your testimony….. I ditto all you said and being a part of your study program has blessed my life grown my testimony and has definitely brought me much peace in this crazy and wild year. Thank you and I look forward to continuing reading the Book of Mormon and adding the doctrine and covenants to my daily studies. Cannot thank you enough and one of the blessing I count this your is finding you on Instagram. Here’s to 2021 being another great year to build my testimony and help father Israel.

  4. Thank you for your inspirational words that are always just what I need to strengthen and uplift me! I love the Book of Mormon and you made it even better in your focused thoughts several times a week! Looking forward to next year!

  5. Thank you Cali for your time, effort and love. Love of the scriptures, love for the Lord and love for all of us that read, study, embrace and apply the scriptures to our lives. You make it easy and fun… yes, reading the scriptures can be fun. Merry Christmas!

  6. Thank you for your sweet Snippets this year. I’ve loved studying with you and appreciate your organic thoughts, insights and ideas. I love being able to feel of your love , your mothering heart, and your peaceful personality through your voice.

  7. Your insights are delightful! Thank you for sharing your testimony and love. I also love the Book of Mormon and Jesus Christ, yet hearing (reading) your insights builds my testimony and gives me new things to ponder. Thank you.

  8. Your Insights this past year have made the pages of this beautiful book come to life, especially when it comes to my life. Applying the teachings found in these inspired pages, makes me see why this book was written for our times, for my time, for me. Thank you Cali! You are truly an instrument in the Lords hands.

  9. My husband and I read your Come Follow Me snippets each day as we conclude our daily scripture study. They have given us a much greater insight into these wonderful verses. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to help others achieve a greater understanding of the Book of Mormon!! May the Lord bless you for your sincere efforts to teach!!

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