I was 14 years old. It was summer time. I opened up my Personal Progress book and started on the next assignment to pass off an “experience”.

It said to read Mosiah 4:9-12 and journal something.

I wouldn’t say I DIDN’T believe the Church was true and that God existed and Jesus loved me.

But I was pretty nonchalant about the whole “church” thing. I had never really thought about it in a mature, authentic way. I didn’t really care.

I was just doing what I was supposed to do on a Sunday afternoon, checking the boxes on my next value for Personal Progress.

And then I opened my black scriptures to Mosiah 4:9.

Believe in God.

And I did.

It was overwhelming. It was a “turn the light switch on and flood my whole being” experience.

King Benjamin told me to believe in God, and so I did.

And as I read the rest of his words over the next few verses, I was further convinced and touched by every single phrase.

I didn’t want the feeling to leave – I had never felt the Spirit like that before. It was tangible and undeniable.

And I’ve believed ever since that day.

Mosiah 4:9. The most powerful scripture in the whole book (to me).

My change of heart.

What’s yours?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. The missionarys came to our door, gave us the lessons and asked us to pray about if it was true and they would be back. As I prayed god showed me something that I could not then or now ever deny this church is true. I love the gospel, and my Heavenly Father with all my heart and soul. This is the true church. I love the missionarys for coming to our home and ones going to all over the world to help others come to the true church on this earth at this time. They are true warriors for Christ.

    1. My first favorite scripture was D&C.82:10.
      It was the beginning of my belief in HEAVENLY FATHER as someone I could trust and love and know HE would be there for me.
      Vivian Rogers

  2. I was driving to the Temple listening to Hebrews. I suddenly felt the love and presence of Jesus Christ in my life in a way I had never before felt. I was about 66 years old. I am know 70. I read the Book of Mormon every day. I have not missed a day in five years. I know Joseph Smith is (was) a prophet of God. I know that by the gift and power of God Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. I loved listening to the Book of Mormon. I love reading the Book of Mormon. I know that it is the word of God and I “feast” on it. The The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is lead by Jesus Christ. Russell M Nelson is a prophet of God. We are so fortunate to have Revelation in these latter days to guide us on our preparation to return home to Heavenly Father.

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you put into your thoughts and comments. They are short and oh so very sweet to my soul. I love how you can so eloquently sum up such poignant principles to help me better apply to gospel to my life. You give me great ideas for discussion points to have with my family and help me to evaluate and want to strengthen my own testimony.

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