“Cali, how do you manage to get everything done?! Your life is so busy and you are so awesome!”

I get people messaging me a form of this question pretty often. ⁣

And I always laugh. ⁣

Because if you want tips on how to organize your time, I’m probably not the person to admire. ⁣

And not because I’m not a great planner…

It has more to do with the three kids that I am primarily responsible for each day. ⁣

Little kids have a lot of needs!

Unexpected, constant needs.

I don’t handle everything at all. ⁣

If I’m making dinner, I’ve probably put a show on for the kids. If I’m writing posts for Instagram, I’m ignoring the pile of laundry in my laundry room. If I’m playing with my kids, I’m not responding to urgent messages on my website.⁣

But there is one not-so-little secret that makes many of my days run more smoothly. ⁣

And those are the days when I remember to pray and ask: ⁣

“What should I be doing right now to best make use of my time?”⁣

Now that doesn’t mean that I’ve got God as my scheduler. ⁣

I want to make that clear – I’m not putting all my decision-making on God. ⁣

I still make decisions all the time as to how I can spend my day wisely. (Or sometimes, not-so-wisely…)

But when I feel clarity with my schedule, or I feel urged to switch something up, that’s how I know I’m doing what I should be doing at the moment. ⁣

In D&C 15:4, the Lord told John Whitmer: ⁣

“For many times you have desired of me to know that which would be of the most worth unto you.”⁣

I think this is such a beautiful question to ask. ⁣

What is of most worth for you in this time in your life?⁣

What is of most worth for you this week?⁣

Today? In the next ten minutes?⁣

Try it out this week, and see where the Spirit takes you.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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