When we first moved into our home a couple years ago, we had a cricket problem.

Crickets are jumpy little guys, and super loud.

And I don’t enjoy having them in my home.

This lasted for a couple months before my husband and I realized we were going to need to pay for regular pest control.

After the company’s first visit, the crickets were completely gone.

It was like they put up a giant shield around our house, and no bugs could get through. It was awesome!

Our company continues to come regularly, but I don’t really think about them as much anymore.

I just enjoy a bug-free life without a lot of worry.

When the Lord spoke with Abram, He sweetly told him:

“Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield”. (Genesis 15:1)

There is so much that the Lord protects us from.

Sometimes, it’s dramatic, like the sudden removal of a whole bunch of crickets.

Like a temptation that doesn’t affect our family.

Like a scary situation where we are protected.

But other times, it’s a little more difficult to see the shielding that He does for us, because it seems so normal.

Do we realize we are missing out on the fear that others are dealing with, because of our faith in Christ?

Do we realize the comfort we feel during the hard times isn’t shared by everyone else?

Do we understand that the Lord is keeping us protected from so many more things than we realize?

But I also love looking forward:

When there are dangers, both physical and emotional, headed our way, do we really trust that the Lord will be our shield?

I realize that the Lord needs a whole lot more gratitude than my pest control guys, no matter how awesome they are.

There is so much He protects me from, so many emotional wounds that I see others dealing with around me.

But I also know there is so much He has shielded from my mortal experience, without me even recognizing it.

And I especially know that I can look forward in faith, trusting that He will continue to be my shield, as long as I call upon Him for help.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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