I’ve always got a song stuck in my head. Literally always.

I might be working, or making lunch, or chatting with a friend. But there’s always a song in the back of my mind!

And if you spend any amount of time with my two-year-old, you’ll probably hear her sing before she says a word. In fact, she is currently singing “Last Christmas” while pounding on the piano right now. Yes, the weird Christmas pop song. In February.

Now, when I think of strength, I think of specific times throughout my day when I need an extra boost of support.

When my 4-week-old cries out at 3 am and I need strength to just open my eyes and prop myself up to feed him. When my 2-year-old needs me to help her zip up a purse that she has unzipped for the millionth time. When I just feel tired.

So when I say that Christ is my STRENGTH and my SONG, I immediately have two thoughts:

1. He is my strength. He is there in those special moments when I need him even more than usual.

I can call on him when I’m tired, when I’m frustrated, when my body is ready to give up. And he’ll give me the strength that I need to go on.

2. He is my song. He is always there in the back of my mind.

It doesn’t matter where I’m at or what I’m doing. My thoughts are always running on autopilot to direct everything back to my Savior.

And I can rejoice in him as much as I rejoice when I accomplish a physical feat or when I sing a beautiful piece of music.

He is my strength and my song!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. Cali, I have the same experience with the hymns/songs. I get them very often. Imagine having a choir many times singing to you, sometimes just one verse repeating. I look up the hymn and read the scriptures to know the Lord’s direction, reprimand, comfort etc. to me. I have been getting hymns for years but just in the past 3 months or so I have the choir. Been having some health problems so that must be why I have this particular experience. They also come in the car with me. Hang in there with those delightful children. Imagine having 6, all boys!

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