
I picture the wildernesses in my heart. They are things that I have neglected that have then grown out of control.

They are my vices that I have left unchecked for too long.

They are the things that add craziness to my life that I don’t ever stop to get rid of.


Then I picture my deserts. They are the dry and barren areas in my life that are longing for water that is not there.

They are my missed opportunities to connect with heaven.

They are my failing habits that I forget should actually be getting the most attention.


We know that the Lord promises to comfort us.

But isn’t it sometimes difficult to see where that comfort is in our lives?

Where is He? Where is His comfort?

He says that He will make our wilderness like Eden. And our desert like the garden of the Lord.


He comforts us by helping to prune back the areas of our life that we have left unchecked, changing wildernesses into pristine gardens such as Eden.

His comfort is found when it is a little easier to let go of a bad habit than I anticipated.

His comfort is found when I have more clarity on what needs to be cut out of my life.


And then He comforts us by providing the everlasting water needed to turn our deserts into flourishing gardens.

His comfort is found when I make a minuscule effort to connect with God and I receive an abundance of His spirit in return.

His comfort is found when I try to start up a good habit again and feel that motivation to continue.

The Lord has promised to comfort us and He always is! But sometimes we have to find new ways to look for His comfort. He helps to weed and prune away what should be gone, and gives us nourishment to help our godly connections grow.

Happy Studying!

– Cali Black



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