Nephi’s final written words. ⁣⁣

And what a fitting sandwich to some of his first words, found in 1 Nephi 3:7: “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded”. ⁣⁣

Obedience. ⁣It’s not the most popular word.⁣⁣

Why would we ever just do something because someone else told us to? Shouldn’t we be able to think for ourselves?⁣

These are all valid questions, and ones that I actually find very useful and important in many situations. ⁣⁣

But, still, Nephi is a stellar example of OBEDIENCE. ⁣⁣

After studying Nephi’s words and writings for the past 2 months, I know that Nephi had strong faith in the Lord. ⁣⁣

How did he show his love for the Lord? By being obedient through his ACTIONS. ⁣⁣

He went back to get the plates. He made a new bow. He built a ship. He separated his people from Laman and Lemuel’s posterity. ⁣⁣

He DID the things he was told to do by the Lord.⁣⁣

So how do we gain a testimony of the little elements of the gospel? Tithing, modesty, ministering, fulfilling church service callings…⁣⁣

We DO them. We obey what the Lord instructs us to do. ⁣⁣

“Why is ministering important? No one has ever really ministered to me and I’ve been fine. I also just don’t really click with the people I’m assigned to.”⁣⁣

We can’t learn the importance of ministering until we obey. Until we go and do. ⁣⁣

That is showing true faith. Not reasoning it out in our minds and then justifying coming up a little bit short.⁣⁣

We hear the command from the Lord, and we obey.⁣⁣

And when we keep the Spirit with us always, it is NEVER “blind obedience”. Although we may not see the purpose for what we do, we can receive a small confirmation that we WILL get there eventually.⁣⁣

I have had this experience a few, very tender times. I do not understand a principle or prompting, but when I muster up enough faith to do a little bit of action, the Spirit comes pouring in to let me know I’m heading in the right direction. ⁣⁣

Our loving Heavenly Father knows how we can bring the most happiness into our lives. ⁣⁣

And so when He commands or prompts or assigns – I will follow Nephi’s lifelong example, and quickly and simply OBEY.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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