There is so much about this church that is set up to be social.

Meeting together as congregations.

Ward parties.

Ministering assignments.

And yet there are so many times when I have felt alone.

I’ve sat in a sacrament meeting, surrounded by people, and felt so alone.

I’ve been ready to ask for help when I desperately needed it, but the connection was never made.

I have felt alone.

There are times when it’s good to go into problem-solving mode and be the first to reach out and create your own social activities…

But other times,

It’s just good to remember that Christ was alone a lot, too.

I know He had great friends. I’m sure He found people whose company He enjoyed.

But there was a lot of stuff that He had to do all on His own.

Even, at the end, His Father had to withdraw His presence.

Jesus was completely alone.

So that I don’t have to ever be that completely alone.

I’ve slowly learned to make my Savior a real friend.

I’ve become accustomed to the Spirit’s presence in my life.

I can always access God’s love, even when I’m not surrounded by people.

Social activities, good friends, “good wards”, they all come and go.

But I’ve learned to ALWAYS take comfort in the fact that my Savior knows what it’s like to have choirs of angels singing His praise, AND how to be more alone than I will ever be.

He is with me.

My kind, wise Heavenly Friend.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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