“Well, there’s no use repenting now. It’s too late for you to really change.”

It’s a lie that Satan loves to tell. Probably one of his favorites.

I find this lie creeping up in my life in lots of different ways.

“You haven’t reached out to one of your ministering sisters yet?! It’s too awkward and embarrassing to reach out now.”

“You already forgot to say your prayers today? Just go to bed and don’t worry about it tonight then.”

“You haven’t been fulfilling that part of your calling yet? It’s too late to start doing that now.”

It’s so easy to believe this lie that we are “too late”.

But… too late for what?!

There’s no such thing.

Actually, there’s quite literally no such thing.

“The dead who repent will be redeemed, through obedience to the ordinances of the house of God”. D&C 138:58

You could leave this life here on earth, and there are STILL opportunities to change, to become more Christlike, to accept ordinances done on your behalf, and to keep covenants.

Death isn’t even the finish line.

I personally believe that we will get opportunities to repent and change until our truest and most sincere desires are revealed, and that they match up with our actions.

But no matter what it looks like in the next life, we can still change. We can still learn and grow.

Not to DELAY repentance, since that is never awesome for softening a heart and molding desires.

But not being worried that we have to figure it all out in this life.

We’ve got time. We’ve got a lot of time, in fact.

And it will never ever ever be too late to repent in the ways we want.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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