Do you do a lot of things that no one ever sees or notices?
I clean up a little mess that no one will ever care about.
I refrain from saying something rude and instead try to feel greater love for that person.
I choose a slightly more healthy option than I otherwise would have done.
In fact, most good, positive things that I do will never be noticed or recognized by anyone.
And it’s okay!
I don’t need a trophy for every good decision I make.
Although that would be nice…
But there IS someone who notices everything.
“Thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.” (3 Nephi 13:18)
He sees when I’m about to go to sleep, and I’ve forgotten to read my scriptures. So I roll over and read a couple verses.
He sees when I feel frustration boiling up inside, but I stay calm and kind, defusing the situation.
He sees when I get a prompting to text a friend, and follow through on it.
But the part I forget most of all?
Heavenly Father actually rewards me for every little positive effort that I make.
He is constantly raining blessings on me!
Do I notice the rainstorm of blessings though?
Or are my thick umbrellas of self-criticism, slothfulness, and distraction blocking me from receiving these blessings?
Am I allowing myself to be rewarded and blessed for the good things that I do?
I’ve noticed that when I slow down and give the Spirit a chance to show me the blessings that I may have missed each day, I start to feel recognized, appreciated, loved, and blessed by my dear Father in Heaven.
“God’s greatest reward goes to those who serve without expectation of reward. It goes to those who serve without fanfare; those who quietly go about seeking ways to help others; those who minister to others simply because they love God and God’s children.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black