Do you want to know the scripture that confirmed to me that I should quit my job?

The truth is…

I have no clue which scripture it was.

I know that I was reading a specific verse when I got an answer to resign from teaching.

But I’ve never been able to find that specific verse again.

I KNOW that the words of Christ found in the scriptures and through the words of His prophets can tell me everything.

Literally everything. ⁣

⁣But how is this possible?⁣

⁣There aren’t any stories in the scriptures about deciding to be a stay-at-home mom. There aren’t any stories about deciding where to move with your family when you have many great options. There aren’t any stories about combating loneliness or laziness in the way that I encounter them. ⁣

So where am I getting these very real answers to these very real questions in my life? ⁣

⁣”The power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men.” (2 Nephi 33:1⁣)

⁣Nephi didn’t know what business decisions I would need to make when he was writing.

But Heavenly Father, my Savior, and the Holy Ghost do. ⁣

⁣And the Spirit’s purpose is to bring Their personalized message straight to me. ⁣

I just have to hold up my end: ⁣

⁣-I read the scriptures. With real intent. As consistently as possible. ⁣

-I do things to invite the Spirit. Be as worthy as I can. Listen for Him. ⁣

And when I do these things, a powerful communication channel is opened. 

⁣It doesn’t mean that I get the answer that I think I want straight away.⁣

⁣Many times, I read scriptures and get the answers: Not yet. You need more time. Just wait. ⁣

⁣Other times, I get small promptings: Communicate with someone. Go to the temple. Follow this prophet’s example from a completely different situation. ⁣

⁣And then other times, the heavens are opened. ⁣

The scriptures are not confined by their words. ⁣

⁣When we read them WITH the spirit, there is no stopping the heavenly communication that can happen.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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