The saints in Kirtland had experienced so much. They had endured persecution. Lying and slander was all around.

But they had at least finally completed the temple.

This is what the Lord had been waiting for, right?!

He wanted them to build the temple, and sacrifice after sacrifice had resulted in this beautiful building they had now packed to the brim for the dedication.

This was going to be the turning point.

And when they thought about their poor sisters and brothers in Clay County, Missouri, who had lost so much of their property and possessions…

Their hearts were broken.

And so, in the dedicatory prayer, they cried:

“We plead before thee for a full and complete deliverance from under this yoke; Break it off, O Lord; break it off from the necks of thy servants, by thy power”. D&C 109:32-33

Break off that yoke.

Use thy power and completely deliver us.

Now is the time.

But… that wasn’t God’s will.

I’m sure His good and divine heart broke to hear what they wanted so desperately, but what He could not deliver to them because He had something better in store for the much bigger picture.

In less than 2 years all of the righteous saints would flee Kirtland and head to Far West, Missouri.

They would give up their beloved Kirtland temple.

The persecutions would get even stronger.

They would find temporary relief in the swampy town of Nauvoo and build up a beautiful city and temple.

The persecutions and lying and slander would get even worse.

Their prophet and his brother would be killed.

Plans to move west would be made.

Some had to spend a frigid and deadly winter in Winter Quarters, Nebraska.

Hundreds of miles walked.

And then, the Salt Lake Valley.

But so many of those original Kirtland saints didn’t make it that far. In their lifetime, the persecution never stopped.

But I believe that even though the lying and the slander may have never stopped, God was with them.

He may not have been able to grant that specific request, but I’m sure He answered countless other prayers and heartfelt cries.

Our will is not always God’s, but that doesn’t mean He’ll leave us alone.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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