Nephi wasn’t just a “tenacious go-getter.”

His older brother Laman had tried and failed to get the brass plates from Laban.

So Laman and Lemuel were about to return to their father with the bad news.

They hadn’t been able to get the plates.

Bummer, it would have been so nice to have the scriptures.

But this was just impossible. Their dad would understand that!

But Nephi wasn’t going to let that happen.

Failure wasn’t an option for him.

And not just because he didn’t want to fail.

No, Nephi had an even better reason.

He explained:

“I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” (1 Nephi 3:7)

Nephi knew that if there was a commandment, a prompting, a divine direction…

Then God would absolutely provide a way.

This wasn’t just Nephi being a tenacious go-getter.

This was Nephi demonstrating his ultimate faith.

So what righteous things would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

What if you knew you COULD figure out how to be a more kind and patient mom?

What if you knew you COULD love the people in your ward and want to willingly serve them?

What if you knew you COULD learn to love the scriptures, or General Conference, or attending the temple?

Sure, we might fall short in the little tasks.

We might have very discouraging setbacks.

Over and over again.

But when we have the ultimate faith that the Lord WILL provide a way for us to accomplish the things we need to accomplish, we will not give up.

And ultimately, we will not fail.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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