Why didn’t the Lord tell Joseph Smith to move everyone to Utah right after organizing the church?

Why didn’t He give Joseph a flow chart with all the callings and the priesthood offices?

Why didn’t He give all the commandments and revelations that the whole church would need one right after the other, so that they could then move forward with all the knowledge they would need?

It can be so frustrating.


Why aren’t there clear answers and straightforward directions?

Even in my own life.

When I’ve wondered about a job or a move or a marriage or a friend or an opportunity…

I’m not very often given the big picture.

No matter how badly I want it.

The Lord even gave Joseph and Sidney some instructions, and then abruptly said:

“Now I give no more unto you at this time.” D&C 73:6

Just a little reminder that they should start translating the Bible again.

And nothing else for right now.

He knows what we actually need to know.

And a word jumped out at me just a couple sections later when I read what the Lord taught again:

“Calling on the name of the Lord for the Comforter, which shall teach them all things that are expedient for them—“ D&C 75:10


What is expedient for me to know?

God knows.

I know what I think I want to know.

But God knows what is expedient for me to know in order to become the person I need to be.

We were sent through the veil for a reason.

Knowing it all is not part of the plan.

But also, God will not let us wander.

When there are things that are expedient for us to know, and we ask in faith, He will reveal that to us.

And nothing else at this time.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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