I think one lie that Satan is really good at telling us is that things will stay the same.

“You’ve got a bad habit, and you’ll never overcome it.”

“Life will always be this overwhelming, so you should stay frustrated all the time.”

“Life is going okay even though you stopped keeping the commandments, so you’ll be fine in the long run.”

In fact, King Noah’s wicked priests made fun of Abinadi for telling them to repent by echoing this same message:

“And behold, we are strong, we shall not come into bondage, or be taken captive by our enemies; yea, and thou hast prospered in the land, and thou shalt also prosper.” (Mosiah 12:15)

They haven’t been taken into bondage yet, so OF COURSE that means they will never be taken into bondage!

They had been prospering just fine, so OF COURSE they are going to continue to prosper!

But Jesus?

He’s all about change.

If you’ve got a bad habit, Jesus wants to help you overcome it.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, Jesus wants to offer you peace and strength to endure.

If you think you don’t need the gospel of Jesus Christ, Jesus invites you to see what you are missing out on.

Nothing ever stays the same….

And that is actually the best news ever.



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