I remember my first day of school… as a teacher.

I was terrified!

I sat in my classroom that morning.

My door faced the outside hang-out area, so I could hear as the students started arriving and making lots of excited sounds.

And I just sat in my classroom, so scared out of my mind.

I had JUST graduated college.

Did I actually know how to teach?

What if this was all some big giant mistake?!?

I looked at the pictures of my husband, family, and friends that I had taped up behind my desk area.

I said a little prayer.

I realized that EVEN THOUGH I was terrified, I also knew that I was doing the right thing.

I felt that little reassurance in my heart that this is what I loved doing.

That yes, this might be difficult, but I was also going to be able to figure it out.

The bell rang, and I could hear kids starting to line up outside my door, whispering about their “new teacher”.

I closed my eyes, whispered a little prayer, and pushed the door open to invite the kids inside.

One little moment of courage introduced me to an entirely new experience in a job that I loved!

I like to think that the woman who touched Jesus’ hem had this same, although much more serious, moment of courage.

When she heard about a Savior who could heal her, she went to Him.

She had faith.

And in one moment of courage, she touched His hem, confident that this would be the answer.

“When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.” (Mark 5:27)

What seems scary and intimidating to you right now?

What’s a change you know you need to make, but you know will take a lot of effort?

What opportunity keeps calling to you even though it terrifies you?

One moment of courage is all it takes to change the trajectory of your life completely.

If we want that change to be for the better, then we also need to rely on the Savior.

We can reach out to Him, utter a prayer in His name, and expect His strength.

One moment of courage can change everything.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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