I’ve wondered a lot about who the “elect” daughters and sons of our Heavenly Parents are.

I know a lot of people have different opinions on why some people are considered “elect” or “chosen”, and we could dive into some deeeeeep doctrine if we wanted to.

But I want to keep it simple with a little phrase that jumped out to me in D&C 29:7.

“Mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts”.

When I’ve read this before, I’ve thought that the Lord was just mentioning what characteristics elect people have.

But… what if THAT is what makes people “elect”?

What if people are elect and chosen BECAUSE they choose to:

  • Hear the Lord’s voice
  • Not harden their hearts when they hear His voice

God pours out extra blessings and gives service opportunities to those who are willing to hear Him with a soft and willing heart.

What do you think?

I think these are interesting points to ponder as we look forward to General Conference in just one week.

Are we going to listen?

Or if we can’t listen live for any reason, will we make it our top priority to listen/read as soon as we can?

And as we listen to the words being spoken, will we try to connect with the spirit and really, truly #hearHim?

Will we approach each message with a “Lord, is it I?” mindset, ready to change in any way we are inspired, even if it is unexpected?

Will we keep a soft heart?

I really think that these qualities are what make people elect.

Part of the chosen House of Israel, being gathered together unto Him:

Those who are willing to listen to what God has to say.

Those who make it a priority to listen, even when it is difficult.

Those who hear difficult commandments and soften their hearts in response.

Those who are always looking for ways to improve and to draw closer to Christ.

We can all choose to be part of God’s elect.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



8 Responses

  1. If you look at the ‘elect’ in the Bible & Book of Mormon all the hero’s are the one’s who listen to Lord & try to keep their hearts soft & full of love. The villians ( or those who do not listen & harden their hearts are those who just can’t get their lives ‘on line” for eternity.
    Just like our own children, those who are respectful, listens & obeys requests & suggestions
    have a smoother trek on the path. They are accepting of their challenges & manage to ‘carry their cross” Those who complain, harden their heart & murmur about their challenges
    are not carrying their cross. They don’t like having a cross & they won’t own their challenges.
    Stiff necked comes to mind.

  2. Thanks. This is the perfect way to end my Ministering letter for April which will go out on Tuesday; just in time for Easter.

  3. Some times we may Feel it neccessary to harden our hearts to keep from feeling the pain of life caused by abusive situations. I assure you this is what the Advesary would have us believe. If we pray for guidance, Hold to the Iron Rod and endure to the and the Lord will see us through the bleak and dreary times in our lives. We shall truly reap the blessings our Heavenly Father has in store for his Elect and Chosen Sons and Daughters.

  4. This is exactly how my husband and I look at it. We’ve spoken about this a lot in the past few weeks. If you haven’t had a chance to watch “The Chosen” yet, you totally should! When we first started it, we thought it meant Christ was the Chosen. But as we have kept watching, we have come to realize that it’s the people who chose to follow him who are the Chosen. Ultimately it is our choice. Are we willing to go the extra mile to follow his commandments in all things, and in all times, and I’m all places?

    1. I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but I’ve heard so many great things about it. I want to make the time to watch, and I love that insight that we can be the Chosen as we choose to follow our Savior.

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