Remember how one of the biggest themes in the Book of Mormon is that infamous pride cycle?

The idea that when things are going generally well, people tend to forget God and become prideful.

So then He sends a variety of difficult things to make life tough enough that people start to call upon God again.

As they call upon God again, the trial is eventually removed, but then, unfortunately, the cycle starts to repeat when life becomes so good that they stop turning to God again.

And let me just reassure you that this pattern did not only occur during the Book of Mormon times.

In D&C 101:8, the Lord chastises the saints:

“In the day of their peace they esteemed lightly my counsel; but, in the day of their trouble, of necessity they feel after me.”

I, unfortunately, can relate to this.

When life is throwing everything at me, and I’ve got tough stuff to handle, I find myself constantly turning to the Lord in prayer and finding any little way to bring the spirit into my life so that I can feel guidance and peace.

Pleading. Dependent. Longing.

But when things are going just fine, I tend to lose that sense of gravity and seriousness.

That desperation to connect with God.

So how do we break out of that pride cycle?

How do we avoid only seeking God when things are difficult?

The two answers I’ve found in my life?

Gratitude and humility.

When I keep in perspective what He has done for me, and how much power He has at all times, it becomes that much easier to stay dependent on His counsel.

Is life feeling pretty rough right now?

Plead to the Lord. Ask for help. Lean on Him.

Is life feeling alright right now?

Try leaning into gratitude so that you can remember just how dependent we always are on Him who created everything.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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