I’ve gone on quite a few trips recently, and each time I pack my suitcase, I make sure the most important stuff goes in the bag first.

Clothes, toiletries, chargers…

They are important to me so I pack them in first!

On the top of my suitcase is where I pack the book that I probably won’t have time to read, the journal I won’t write in, and random trinkets that I find at the last minute that I think might be nice to have.

(Am I the only one who always seems to pack a book, yet never reads it?!)

The order that we do things tends to show their priority in our life.

What we do when we wake up.

What we make sure happens before we go to bed.

What we do when we get some free time.

What we do when we get in the car.

Order can tell us a lot about our purposes and priorities!

So… why did the Lord create the world in the order that He did?

“The sequential order in which the earth was created gives us a glimpse not only of what is most important to God but also why and for whom He created the earth.” -Vaiangina Sikahema

The light. The atmosphere. The oceans. Plants. The Sun. Animals.

And then Sons and Daughters of God.

Everything in the proper order. The only order for it all to work.

Culminating the creation with WHO this is actually for.

Light for us to see. Atmosphere for us to survive. Land and seas for variety and function. Plants for beauty and for nourishment. Stars and the moon for us to be able to tell time and location. Animals to multiply and fill the earth.

All for us.

The order teaches us.

Order doesn’t have to mean that what comes first is the most important— some people suggest that if you don’t read your scriptures first thing when you wake up, you are choosing the wrong priority, but my mind does not work that way.

Man and woman were the last creations.

Because that’s the way it needed to be.

So I think it’s worth taking some time to ponder on the order of things in our life each day.

What are my priorities? What am I making time for, no matter what? What do I always seem to run out of time for?

The order can teach me what is most important in my heart.

Happy Studying!

-Cail Black



2 Responses

  1. You are a delight to read. You cause me to smile, laugh and even bring tears. Thank you for helping me feel normal 😉

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