What would Joseph Smith’s life have been like if he hadn’t been the one called to be the prophet of the restoration?

He probably would have been a farmer. Probably wouldn’t have received any more education than he did. He was pretty charismatic and passionate, so I’m sure he would have gotten involved in some groups or causes.

And yet, because of his calling, his words, prophecies, and teachings have been studied for 200 years by millions of people.

Does the Doctrine and Covenants make you think Joseph Smith was totally perfect and the best ever?

Not me.

In fact, this year, I’ve really been struck by how often Joseph was corrected by the Lord.

But most revelations we’ve read haven’t even made mention of Joseph.

Although Joseph Smith was not perfect, I think he did a pretty-near perfect job at using every privilege that God blessed him with to point others towards the gospel.

And not to point people to himself.

What blessings and privileges do you have right now?

You might not think you are very #blessed right now.

But do you have the blessing of having children?

Do you have the blessing of being married?

Do you have the blessing of having friends?

Do you have the blessing of having a church calling or ministering assignment?

Do you have the privilege of working or volunteering somewhere?

The list goes on.

“For unto this end have I raised you up, that I might show forth my wisdom through the weak things of the earth.” D&C 124:1

We are weak things without God!

And every blessing, every privilege, every platform we have been so graciously blessed with should be used to point people, our children, our students, our spouses, our friends, all back to Christ.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. I think we often forget the very privilege of being alive in a body to experience the absolute beauty and gift of personhood. I do forget the blessings that have come to me through no effort of myself. Thank you for the teaching moment.

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