I KNOW that Heavenly Father has a sense of humor. ⁣

Because sometimes, His path for my life and His blessings just seem completely out of left field. ⁣

Right out of BYU, I thought I had this one teaching job in the bag. ⁣

I loved the job, I wanted it, and I knew the staff and principal liked me. ⁣

And then I found out that I didn’t get the job due to some unforeseen complications. ⁣

I was devastated. ⁣

And I was humbled. ⁣

Instead of relying on my networking to get me a job, I had to turn to cold interviews. ⁣

My humility was through the roof. I was relying on God like I hadn’t in a long time. I was praying constantly. I was turning my will over to His. ⁣

And then, suddenly, a random recommendation, an interview, and a job offer that changed my life for the better. ⁣

Out of left field. ⁣

But the miracle came because I had humbled myself. ⁣

I think about young Joseph, who had been so excited after the First Vision. He was ready to learn about this new church!⁣

But after three years, his heart was growing weary. He felt weak and unclean from sins. ⁣

So he went to his knees in humility, wanting to repent and turn his heart back to God.⁣

“While I was thus in the act of calling upon God, I discovered a light appearing in my room”. (JS-H 1:30)

I can almost guarantee he wasn’t expecting an ancient prophet from a forgotten civilization showing up in his bedroom and telling him about gold plates buried in a hill three miles away!⁣

But that was exactly the unexpected miracle that Joseph, and all mankind, needed. ⁣

Miracles happen. Unexpected miracles happen. Completely unexpected and unlikely miracles happen. ⁣

But the first requirement that I’ve seen over and over?⁣


Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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