These are the last words we ever read from Paul.
(Chronologically, watch my Big Picture Monday video if you want to know the deets on the epistles this week!)
Written from jail (for the millionth time).
Right before his martyrdom.
Paul has learned and grown and served and loved and taught endlessly.
So in honor of his final words, here are the top three lessons I’ve learned from Paul’s life:
1. It doesn’t matter what we’ve done in the past.
We can become better.
We only need to look forward.
The Pharisee became the apostle.
2. How well or poorly we think our life is going right now has NOTHING to do with our relationship with God.
Paul was thrown in jail multiple times, shipwrecked, hated, banned, and ultimately killed because he was following the Lord.
Circumstances are no indication of our favor with God.
3. Attitude makes all the difference.
Paul is one of the happiest preachers I have ever read teachings from.
He was always so positive and kind, corresponding with saints from all over.
Focusing outward instead of hyper focusing inward.
3 little, but actually really big, lessons from a man I’ve never met who lived 2,000 years ago.
What have you learned from Paul?
I invite you to reflect on that today!
I know, we’ve still got some more to study from him in book-order.
But what sticks in your mind from what Paul has taught?
And I’ll end with the very last words we have recorded from this amazing, Christlike man:
“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black