I’ve noticed recently that I have had similar conversations over and over with many people.
They tell me about a dramatic, heartbreaking event in their lives.
I offer condolences and empathy.
And then they tell me something like:
“I actually don’t really feel that sad about it.
“I thought that this would be worse, but I just feel this sense of peace.”
And I say:
“YES! I know exactly what you mean!”
Because I’ve also had not-so-great things happen in my life.
And even though logic would tell me that I should be in deep despair, I have felt an underlying undeniable peace.
And this, my friends, is what I’ve learned is the true blessing of the gospel.
The true blessing of the gospel isn’t that we will be healed when we get sick.
It isn’t that we will have amazing jobs.
It isn’t that loved ones won’t die.
It isn’t that our bank accounts will stay full.
The true blessing is described beautifully here:
“Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me.” (D&C 19:23)
That is the perfect blessing that Jesus offers.
Not perfect lives, but perfect PEACE that comes with being a follower of Christ.
Happy Studying!
-Cali Black