The local news channel was on our TV one night.

(Which doesn’t happen too often!)

Now, I know “the news” doesn’t always have the happiest stuff to report.

But I was still baffled by how many controversial news stories there were!

By the end of the half-hour broadcast, I was exhausted with how many emotional, legislative, social, or even physical “battles” were occurring.

And they all wanted me to “pick a side.”

Jesus wisely counseled:

“My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight. . . but now is my kingdom not from hence.” (John 18:36)

Jesus knew which battles to fight and which battles to ignore.

He knew what was actually important in the grand scheme of things.

He knew the battle that was eternally significant.

I take solace in knowing I don’t have to jump into every “battle” I see.

Let’s be real, it seems like every comment section on social media has people getting angry over some brand’s marketing decision.

Conversations with coworkers can turn into gossip and faultfinding.

And news outlets expect us to have fully formed strong opinions on every event that happens.

But I find solace in knowing I don’t have to be a soldier taking a side in each item of contention, both big and small, I encounter.

To be clear, this doesn’t mean I ignore important issues or stand complacent while others gossip.

There are causes and values worth raising our voices for, as we feel the Spirit urging our hearts and minds to do.

But I can stand firm in knowing what the real battle is!

It’s to learn about Jesus, be like Jesus, get rid of sin in my life, and proclaim the truths He teaches.

His kingdom is not in this world, and I can keep my sights set on eternity to know what matters most.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



2 Responses

  1. You’re incredible. Do you spend a lot of time writing your snippets or do they just come easily from the Spirit guiding you what to say to help us? I’m so thankful for you!!

    1. Thank you! It totally depends on the snippet! Sometimes I have a thought that I want to share, but it takes a long time to figure out how to best communicate or illustrate it. And other times, they flow really quickly!

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