“And forgive me for my weaknesses and shortcomings today.”

Does that phrase (or a variation of it) find a place in your prayers right now?

The past year or so, I’ve really been focused on removing this in my prayers.

I’ve been trying to avoid casual asks for forgiveness from sweeping generalizations of “weaknesses” and “sins”.

I was really struck by the in-depth sincerity with which young Joseph prayed to a loving Heavenly Father in his bedroom.

“I betook myself to prayer and supplication to Almighty God for forgiveness of all my sins and follies.” (JSH 1:29)

He was in his bedroom, weighed down by the sins he was committing, and asking for forgiveness.

Pleading. Calling.

Thinking through each sin.

I personally have found exponentially more power and access to my Savior’s atoning sacrifice when I take time to be specific and to reflect.

Instead of, “Please forgive me for losing patience with my kids today.”

My prayers have transformed as I’ve transitioned to:

“I am so sorry that I lost my patience earlier today. I knew that my daughter was in a stressful situation and I was putting my needs before hers. Please forgive me for this shortcoming, and help me to improve my patience and love for her. In fact, I think that next time this situation happens again, I can try…”

So much more useful, right?!

I find myself starting a real conversation. I find myself listening to promptings. I find myself pleading for true forgiveness instead of just saying it.

And ultimately, I’ve found myself changing much more!

Which is the point of repentance – that we feel godly remorse, turn to our Savior, and truly and sincerely try not to repeat it again.

Have you tried making this change before? Do you want to try it now?

Make those prayers of forgiveness heavy, real, and specific…

And I believe true miracles can come from this sincerity of heart.

Artwork by Michael Malm

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



14 Responses

  1. Good to read this but I’m in a pickle of not wanting to take the time to do so, I’m not even sure if I’m finding joy in even trying to talk to Heavenly Father. I just keep finding disappointment and frustration. I know it’s me and my “little” prayers are never enough. I don’t know. I guess I just am unresponsive.

    1. You are not alone in those feelings! I have gone through many similar times where I avoid saying prayers because I don’t feel any sort of real connection. The main thing that has helped me is just trying to keep at the habit, even if I don’t feel like it. Slowly but surely, some of that connection starts to come back. I wish you the best in your journey! He really is there and listening to our most feeble efforts!

  2. I pray God forgive me and let not my heart be trouble and give me all bless for me and my family and no that I no it some better come just put trust in lord

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