Growing up in California, I felt like we were always taking road trips.

Down south to Disneyland, across Nevada, or just to the mountains.

But I learned from a young age that I like to just stare out the window of a car.

My mom would always get fun activities for my sisters and me to do, we’d check out books from the library…

But I would often find that I would spend half the day just staring out the window, thinking.

And when I learned how to drive, I remember learning that all my friends had carefully curated playlists on their iPods for driving.

And I preferred driving in silence.

I liked that time to just let my mind wander. To think on nothing and everything at the same time. To tell stories in my head, relive funny or amazing moments in the past, think about big picture questions.

And slowly but surely throughout the years, I’ve filled my time with things to do.

Productive things. Fun things. Meaningful things. Wasteful things.

I’ve given birth to two children who like to occupy a lot of my time, too.

And all of a sudden, I have to intentionally create time to ponder.

In fact, my decision to focus on pondering while I read the scriptures is what sparked my intense passion for them a few years ago.

Setting time limits to study instead of verse numbers to study transformed (and I can’t use that word strongly enough!) my experience with the word of God.

But I’m still trying to ponder more. To turn things off. To not turn a show on and scroll through my phone at the same time.

To give my brain a break and to just… let my mind wander.


Not just because I enjoy quiet time and thinking.

It’s because all of my moments of transformation have come from letting my mind think on things.

My decisions. My resolve to follow certain commandments better. My feelings of which relationships to pursue and which to let go. My analysis of my performance in jobs or callings.

And ultimately, my testimony.

Because when I stop everything and let my mind run free, I find that God speaks.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. So true. I have not listened to the radio in the car in over 10 years. I do usually have some soft Paul Cardall music playing the background but I just enjoy the ride!

  2. Amen! I have so appreciated the idea of a “block of time,” to study. I may get many verses, or one! During that time is when I can quiet my own spirit as I think and ponder and let THE Spirit teach me. Very, very important to my growth and testimony. Thank you.

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