I love playing the piano so much.

I truly enjoy it, and it’s one of my go-to things when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

But I, of course, started off as an 8 year old who didn’t want to practice the piano.

I’ve been through it all.

I know it seems a bit too easy to simplify this process, but how did I get better at playing the piano?

I practiced.

I spent time devoted to strengthening my weaknesses. I taught other people piano. I spent time with experts.

And for those who really excelled at sports (not me), isn’t it the same?!

You attend a summer camp where you are focused on it. You watch it. You listen to it.

The time spent practicing something = increases skill.

Pretty obvious parallel, right?!⁣

We wanna make our testimonies stronger?

Spend time practicing it!

Study each day.

Immerse ourselves in unique experiences (camps or conferences).

Work on our weaknesses over and over.

Teach others what we know.

Time practicing = increased testimony. ⁣

How many times have we heard Paul bear his testimony now?

A million, maybe? ⁣

We get another record of his powerful testimony in Acts 26:15:

“And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.”

Do you think his testimony became stronger the more times he bore it?


Yes, Fast Sundays are great times to practice, but I don’t think testimonies only need to be shared over the pulpit once a month. ⁣

Are we finding ways to share what we believe CONSTANTLY?⁣

With the way we respond to a child’s poor decision?

With the way we speak about “that person”?

With the way we focus just a little more on service instead of selfishness?

That’s how testimonies grow!⁣

And truly focusing on the Savior as the cornerstone of our testimonies is the most powerful step of all.

“While it is always good to express love and gratitude, such expressions do not constitute the kind of testimony that will ignite a fire of belief in the lives of others.

“To bear testimony is ‘to bear witness by the power of the Holy Ghost; to make a solemn declaration of truth based on personal knowledge or belief’”. -Elder Ballard⁣

I am grateful for Paul’s powerful testimony and I know that the more opportunities I find to share bits of my testimony, the stronger it becomes.

Practice makes progress!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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