Praise the Lord today!

Life isn’t perfect.

Maybe today isn’t even what you planned.

Maybe you’ve got a lot of “other stuff” going on so you feel like you can’t be fully present.

But no matter what your circumstances are like today, no matter what kitchen mishaps or missing family members or awkward moments…

“Praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving.” D&C 136:28

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving is always an option.

Praise. And thanksgiving.

Don’t those go perfectly hand in hand?

Recognizing the goodness and glory of God, and then feeling gratitude for all that He has done for you?

Today, no matter what my day looks like, I’m going to offer a prayer of praise and of thanksgiving.

And, knowing me, there will be some music and singing involved, too.

But I want to praise my Lord by remembering all that He has given me!

This beautiful earth!

My body!

My friends, both old and new!

My family members!

The opportunity to change when I make a mistake!

My scriptures!

Feeling overwhelming love!

The Holy Spirit!

My covenants!

Something to be optimistic about!

The chance to be alive!

Praise and thanksgiving to my Lord today, and every day.

What are you feeling especially grateful for today? Comment below and let’s share the thanksgiving spirit! 

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



8 Responses

  1. #Giving Thanks
    For the blessings of this gospel of Jesus Christ
    For all friends and family
    For Temple covenants
    For rain instead of snow
    For opportunities to serve, to share and to love
    For Cali’s inspiring notes

  2. Family, friends that are just like family
    His tender mercies
    His Love for me
    The BOM & Don’t miss this on YOUTUBE!
    His Holy Spirit guiding & watching over me

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