He teaches the Zoramites to cry unto God wherever they may be – refuting their claims that they couldn’t worship due to being cast out of the synagogues. ⁣

Pray anywhere and pray everywhere. ⁣

Have your heart drawn out in prayer continually to Him. ⁣

But then he goes into the most important part of his sermon:⁣

“Do no suppose this is all;⁣

“For after ye have done all these things [praying everywhere], if ye turn away the needy, and the naked, and visit not the sick and afflicted, and impart of your substance… to those in need…⁣

“YOUR PRAYER IS IN VAIN.” (Alma 34:28)⁣

What a humbling lesson. ⁣

We can’t pray for other people to feel more love, and then ignore them.

We can’t pray for peace in the world, and then share divisive articles that demonize “the other side”.⁣

We can’t pray for our children to change in some way, and then not adjust anything at home to facilitate the change.

It’s a tough pill to swallow, but I think sometimes we have to own up to the fact that we’ve prayed for a result, and then done nothing to achieve that result.

Or maybe we’ve even worked against it. ⁣

That’s what Amulek calls being a hypocrite. ⁣

Yikes. ⁣

(Sometimes there are situations where we literally can’t do anything else other than pray though, and I fully believe that God can still make miracles happen.)

So, as with all things, the best way to repent for past hypocritical actions is to change moving forward. ⁣

What’s a prayer in your heart right now?⁣

Maybe it’s for yourself, or for your family, or for your community, or for the world. ⁣

“Pray as if everything depended on God, work as though everything depended on you”. – Saint Ignatius

If you’ve got the first half of the equation down, and you are realllly good at praying fervently about it, that is beautiful!⁣

And now might be a great time to think about how you can act to make it happen. ⁣

What’s something you can do TODAY in order to move that desire forward? ⁣

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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