Last month, my husband and I were called into the Stake President’s office.

Right before the meeting, the Spirit quietly confirmed to me what it was going to be about and I broke down in tears.

This was too much.

I called out to my Heavenly Father, “If we are going to do this, I’m going to need a lot more of Your support.”

And His response was the exact mixture of love and correction that I needed in that desperate moment.

“Cali, I am always right here. And you know exactly how to invite me into your life even more.”

I didn’t need Heavenly Father to be here more for me.

Because He has always been by my side.

But I knew I needed to start calling for His help even more.

It was a powerful lesson that He taught me right before my husband got called as Bishop of our ward.

If I need His presence more, then I need to put in some work.

The Saints in Ohio were also wanting more of God’s presence. They were ready to receive “The Law”.

They knew that further light and knowledge awaited them after making the faith-filled move to Ohio, and they were ready to receive it.

The Saints desired it.

So the Lord could have just given Joseph the revelation for the Law.

But instead, in D&C Section 41, the Lord asked them to gather themselves together and pray in great faith for the law to be given to them.

They had to put in the work first.

In the Bible Dictionary entry for “Prayer”, we learn that:

“Blessings require some work or effort on our part before we can obtain them.

“Prayer is a form of work and is an appointed means for obtaining the highest of all blessings.”

God wants us to put in the work.

He wants us to ask, to plead, to prepare ourselves, and to set aside special time to receive answers.

We can never do enough. We can never earn our blessings perfectly.

But… we can show Him that we are willing to take upon the very small burden of work that is required.

If you’ve been waiting for an answer or some clarity, this can be a great question to ponder on:

Am I putting in the work necessary to obtain the blessing I am asking for?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



9 Responses

  1. Thank you. Presently I feel I’m living in a “divided home”. I’m not perfect. And I can feel the very life drain out of me sometimes. My oldest son was in a car accident last year. His pain from C-2 through C-7 has caused excruciating pain. My happy, at one time CTR little boy grew into a man that seems to make the opposite choice for happiness also.
    I go to my 3rd son’s home-800 miles away. Peaceful, my soul put together, then with my oldest now living with me, I see him crack open another beer. Thank you for this email today. It put my pieces together and brought answers and peace.

    1. You’ve got a lot to manage right now. It’s great that you have a peaceful home to visit, so you can focus on that.

  2. I needed this. We got that same Stake call and I love when people tell real feelings.

    Hugs to lots of little crazy people in the pew without dad. I get it five under 10.

  3. Hi Cali,
    I love what the Bible Dictionary says under “Prayer”!!! This was pointed out to us when our daughter was born at 27 wks and fighting for her life in the NICU many years ago. I hadn’t ever seen it before! Coupled with D&C 9:8 we focused on what the Dr’s were telling us, we studied it out along with the hard work of praying to know what was best for daughter. We went to the temple and then headed back to the hospital. We didn’t receive a bolt of lightning with clear cut instructions, but the powerful feeling of calm and peaceful over came us that we could trust her Dr’s and their plan for her care.
    Thanks for sharing this! It was a great reminder!!!

    1. Isn’t that Prayer definition just life-changing?! What an amazing experience you had. Thank you for sharing! <3

  4. I want pray for my family health and finicial and for my nephew to be safe in prison and get out soon and keep everybody safe strong and trust in god

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