I once saw a meme that said, “My biggest fear is that I’ll marry into a family that runs 5Ks on holidays.”⁣

It made me laugh a lot because a few years ago, my husband’s family decided to do a 5K on Thanksgiving morning. ⁣

I am NOT a runner. Like. At all. ⁣

But due to peer pressure, I signed up and started training with my husband. ⁣

It took a few weeks, but eventually my speed and my endurance started picking up. ⁣

By the day of the race, I felt pretty good! I wasn’t super fast, and I had to walk a couple times, but I finished the 5K. ⁣

“Preparation” is a funny concept. ⁣

Because, you could say that I prepared for that 5K. ⁣

And, I did! For the month beforehand. ⁣

But I also had not gone running for months before that. ⁣

Imagine what I could have done if I had been running every day for a year, or five years before that race. ⁣

I could have won the whole thing! Or at the very least, it could have been a total breeze. ⁣

And this is not to beat myself up for what I did at all – I am still proud of my “couch-to-5K”. ⁣

But I’ve learned that preparation never stops. ⁣

We are CONSTANTLY preparing ourselves for the future – whether we are doing so intentionally or not.

The Lord warns us in D&C 1:12, “Prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come, for the Lord is nigh;”⁣

We are preparing for the future right now – for better or for worse. ⁣

We are preparing for the next General Conference, for that upcoming competition, for that big life decision you don’t even know about yet. ⁣

And ultimately, we are preparing for Christ’s Second Coming right now. ⁣

There’s not some future day to “start preparing”. ⁣

Just like my 5K, I may formally decide to do something new to prepare for my Savior’s return someday. ⁣

But in reality, everything I am doing right now is shaping who I will be, what my abilities are, and what my mindset is. ⁣

And ultimately, we are always preparing for something.

So what will you choose to prepare for today?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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