When I think about someone preparing the way for Jesus, I immediately think of John the Baptist.

As I’m sure most others do.

He was the guy who was foreordained to prepare the path for Christ, preaching fearlessly and using his priesthood power to baptize.

John the Baptist was amazing.

In Isaiah 40:3, we read this prophecy:

“The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord”.

But… what if we turned that prophecy around and looked at ourselves for a bit?

How do you and I prepare the way for Jesus right now?

We absolutely are working together to prepare the earth for the Second Coming of the Savior, gathering Israel and getting ready for Christ’s return.

But what about on a smaller, more personal level?

I’ve been thinking recently that I want to prepare the way for Jesus to come into the hearts of everyone that I meet.

It’s a lofty goal.

But I want to prepare the way for Jesus to get to other people.

I want every interaction that I have to leave everyone feeling so seen, loved, and noticed, that the Spirit has a place to enter into their hearts and testify of a truth that they need.

And no matter their religious affiliation, I think everyone needs a little message from Jesus in their heart.

Whether they are old or young.

Whether they are a member of my family or not.

Everyone needs a little more of the Spirit of God in their hearts, delivering any message that they need to hear in that moment.

I want to prepare the way for Jesus to come anywhere that I go.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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