One of the most sacred experiences is when the Lord prepares your heart for something that’s coming.

I’ve had my heart prepared to not be accepted into a program at school.

I’ve had my heart prepared for a struggle my son would have to face.

I’ve had my heart prepared before receiving a big calling that would affect our family a lot.

And as I’ve talked with others, I’ve had them share other personal, sacred experiences where their hearts have been prepared for a huge financial setback, and even the death of a loved one.

I know that God prepares our hearts in ways that are sometimes indescribable, and for experiences that we may be the only ones to know about.

God prepares hearts.

I also have learned that I can do my part to prepare my own heart for situations that I do know are ahead of me.

I’ve found literal priesthood power when I prepare my mind before entering the temple.

I’ve discovered genuine love when I prepare my heart to love and serve someone who seemed difficult to love and serve.

I’ve experienced great peace when I’ve prepared my soul to expect miracles.

“Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it”. (Ezra 7:10)

Life is busy and stressful and crazy.

But taking time to prepare our hearts or listening to promptings from God that prepare us for large tasks ahead will bring much more love and peace in the long run.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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