Believe it or not, I went through a period of time where I had a bad attitude about personal scripture study.

Despite being very consistent with my study for most of my life, there was a time when life had a whole bunch of changes and I stopped.

After a couple of weeks, I was surprised when I thought, “Wow, my testimony is still strong and my life hasn’t gotten any harder. Maybe daily scripture study isn’t that important.”

After a few more days, I heard a talk at church that kicked me into gear and gave me an idea:

I was going to give it a try.

For the next week, I would read my scriptures every day again and see what happened.

I told Heavenly Father of my plans, pretty sure that my week wouldn’t actually change.

I (truly and sincerely) wanted Him to prove it.

And then I read every day for a week.

And I received new personal revelation each time I opened the pages.

I invited the Spirit into my life even more.

I found special peace when I got really frustrated with someone from a verse that I read.

God completely proved daily scripture study to me.

Remember Laman and Lemuel in the Book of Mormon?

When they couldn’t understand what their father was prophesying about, they were frustrated.

Their brother Nephi said, “Have ye inquired of the Lord?”

And the two brothers said, “We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us.” (1 Nephi 15:8-9)

Have you ever asked the Lord to prove a principle to you and then acted in faith?

Daniel did.

“Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days”. (Daniel 1:12)

Ten days.

And the Lord came through.

How could we take this same attitude and humbly ask for the Lord to prove a principle that maybe we need some help with?

Don’t “get” the temple? Maybe try going once a week for 10 weeks and see what the Lord proves.

Think family scripture study doesn’t work for you guys? Maybe try making sacrifices for 10 days to do it and see what the Lord proves.

Don’t believe you can actually forgive that person? Maybe spend 10 days acting like you have and praying for special help and see what the Lord proves.

Think fasting isn’t meaningful to you? Spend the next 10 months learning about fasting, doing it with real intent, and see what the Lord proves.

Every time that I’ve prayerfully, sincerely, and humbly asked the Lord to prove a principle, He has followed through in powerful ways.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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