It’s a scripture we’ve all heard quoted in every lesson on tithing, but today I’d like to focus on a different part of this verse.

Back when we studied Daniel, I really liked the idea of Daniel asking his leader if they would allow Daniel to “prove” the idea of only drinking water and eating pulse, instead of the meat and wine.

After 10 days, it was clear. The concept had been proven perfectly.

And so with this lens, I want to look at this common scripture found in Malachi 3:10:

“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”

Isn’t that so cool?!

“Prove me now herewith”.

The Lord is essentially saying:

“You don’t believe tithing is a righteous thing to do? Allow Me to prove this to you. Try it. Just give it a chance and I will literally pour blessings out on you.”

I love this principle.

Don’t know why it’s important to keep the Sabbath holy? Allow the Lord to prove it.

Don’t know why we have to put in the work to love people that we don’t really like? Allow the Lord to prove it.

Don’t know why we have prophets that deliver messages from the Lord? Allow the Lord to prove it.

Of course, not with a prideful heart set on the wrong outcome.

But when humbly approach the Lord with a principle we are not sure of, but have the faith to try, I think that the Lord loves to prove Himself and His goodness to us.

Have you had the Lord “prove” a principle to you before?

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



4 Responses

  1. As an investigator when I was a young adult, I was frequently challenged by the missionaries to allow God to “Prove me now herewith”. The Word of Wisdom, tithing were two that quickly come to mind. Over the years, I have used the same challenge of “Prove me now herewith” on myself with church attendance when I’d rather watch on TV (after COVID, this was an option for quite a while) or Sabbath day activities.

    Amazing results, I must say. Give it a try.

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