I’ve had a goal for the past few years to improve my response time when it comes to spiritual promptings.

It will probably be a goal I have for the rest of my life.

Because it’s a lot of work!

Recently, I had a thought to check in on a friend.

But then I thought:

“Eh, not right now; it’s a weird time. Plus, I think she’s fine. Plus, what would I even say? Plus, I don’t want to seem weird.”

And so I didn’t check in on her.

It wasn’t until the next day that I realized— that was me suppressing a prompting!

And when I suppress a prompting, I’m probably missing out on more promptings in the future and blessings that could be available.

I don’t want to suppress promptings.

So the next time I thought about checking in on a different friend, I texted her immediately.

I wanted to show the Spirit that I was willing to act on any good thoughts that came my way.

I was surprised when, after I sent the text, even more friends’ names came to my mind!

I spent the next little bit catching up with lots of amazing people. ⁣

Look at Paul’s simple warning:

“Quench not the Spirit.” (1 Thessalonians 5:19)   

“Quench” means to suppress, extinguish, or hinder. ⁣

It’s a pretty straightforward warning.

Even if it’s trickier to always follow in real life.

Becoming Christlike means acting on promptings immediately.

Feeling spiritual confidence and confirmation in all that I do.

And realizing that each prompting I follow opens the door to a domino effect of other promptings and blessings that I can’t even imagine.

Now— I have to take a realistic view.

I’m not going to be really good at this for a long time.

But I think it’s worth the effort, right?

Each day, getting a little better at not quenching the Spirit.

And showing God that I’m ready to act!

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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