I love reading.

I’m kind of a “book binger”, where I read a whole bunch of books really quickly and then take a break for a few months.

Anyone out there like me?

But you know what I realllllly don’t like?

Re-reading books.

Once I’ve read the book, know the story, learned about the topic, discovered the secrets…

I find it boring to go through it again.

(No offense to you “re-readers” out there, my husband included!)

But, obviously, the scriptures are different to me.

And I found a cool explanation for why:

The same wording that Mormon uses to describe the word of God that converted thousands, is also used in Hebrews 4:12.

And if you look at different translations of Hebrews 4:12, here are the words used in the place of “quick” and/or “powerful”:





These are the coolest words to ever describe the scriptures.

The word of God is alive in the scriptures.

And that’s why I don’t (often) “get bored” of reading the scriptures.

Because this isn’t a story to memorize. This isn’t meant to entertain me. This book doesn’t even just have specific, obvious lessons to teach me.

These words are alive.

They are powerful.

They are effective.

When I read the words with the Spirit, the will of God is given to me through the pages of this book.

And when I start to get bored, and think, “Oh yeah, I’ve learned this story hundreds of times before”, it’s because I’ve stopped inviting the Spirit to teach me the words I need to actually know.

Reading the scriptures + the Spirit = the powerful, loving word of God.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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