Are you ready to get to work?!

That’s how I feel after every General Conference.

I was never really into sports, but I imagine this is what it feels like after getting a big pep talk and running out onto the field.

I’m ready to go. I feel clarity on the changes I need to make.

I’m ready to refocus on my goal of God and Jesus and eternal life, and do whatever it takes to get there.

And then I run out, and the opposition starts.

The distractions are everywhere.

My poor habit routines fall back into place despite my good intentions.

There are people to deal with and work with and contention everywhere.

But that’s where the hard work happens.

It is hard sometimes.

It brings joy, but it still takes work.

So I don’t give up.

I have a rough few minutes and then I get back up, brush myself off, and try again.

Keeping the focus on the Savior.

Looking toward the real endgame. The ultimate goal.

Do I have faith that if I keep my focus on Jesus, then I will ultimately win, no matter what?

That takes a lot of faith, and trust.

And then it just takes a lot of action.

The Lord taught: “Therefore, gird up thy loins for the work.” D&C 112:7

Get ready, this is going to be a lot of work.

But it’s going to be so joyful. So rewarding.

So peaceful.

Happy Studying!

-Cali Black



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